Friday, February 19, 2016

fungsi masjid dalam bahasa inggris

Role and Functions of Mosque For Muslims: Al-Arham Issue 5 (A)
WEDNESDAY, 17 JUNI 2009 00:00 UIB Sholahudin E-mail Print PDF
The mosque is a symbol of Islam. It can not be separated from the lives of Muslims, because the mosque is a form of submission to Allah's people. Said the mosque repeated twenty-eight times in the Koran. In the language of the mosque comes from the word meaning sajada-prostrate submissive; obedient; bow respectfully. Laying forehead, hands, knees, and feet to the ground, or bow is a form lahiriyah most obvious of these meanings. That is why the building set aside for prayer called the mosque, "place of prostration".
In terms of day-to-day, the mosque is a Muslim prayer hall building. But due to its root meaning submissive and obedient, the nature of the mosque into a place to do all the activities that contain obedience to Allah. Qur'an asserts:

"Indeed mosques belong to Allah, so do not worship anything in it other than Allah". (QS. Al-Jinn {72}: 18)

Prophet. said:
"It has been made for me (and for my people) the earth as a mosque and a means of purification". (Bukhari and Muslim through Jabir bin Abdullah)
It seems that the mosque is not just a pat tem- prostration and a means of purification or bertayamum (holy dust ablution). The mosque is a Muslim pat tem- contrary, once the harbor where he anchored in obedience to Allah. The mosque as an institution of the Muslims, is an indicator for Muslims plenary (Insan Kamil). With this predicate, Muslims should be able to maximize the mosque as a center of activity that offer alternative activities in preaching. The examples given, there is the activity of preaching through the media community television or radio community, such as community TV Jogokarian Mosque in Yogyakarta (MJTV) and PAL TV in Masjid Sadzudarain in Palmerah, Jakarta.

Charity Worship Prayer and Function Mosque
Prayer is the main activity carried out in the mosque. Prophetic tradition Hudaifah history:

"Prophet. He said: I have created different to people earlier in three cases: rows-rows we have made as rows of angels and the whole world is a mosque for us, and the dust has been used as a purification if water is not available .... ". (HR. Muslim)

In the hadith can be found that the prayers that have rows, implies discipline, orderliness and adherence to time. That means that not only can be used mosques for prayers only. Other matters related to compliance with Allah. can be done there. As at the time of the Prophet mosque has other functions such as the center of government, the legislative process, community interaction, and other mundane functions.
Prophetic: Narrated by Annas pleased., "Some of the items came to the Prophet from Bahrain. Prophet ordered his companions to share in the mosque, and the goods it is the largest amount ever received by the Prophet. He meninges galkannya to pray without see him at all. After the prayer was over, the Prophet sat in front of those goods and distribute them to anyone he saw. Al Abbas came to him and said, 'O Messenger of Allah gave me most of the stuff, because I need to have provision for me and Aqil.' Prophet then asked him to get it himself ... ". (HR. Bukhari)

Besides the mosque should also be able to provide peace and tranquility to visitors and the environment. If the mosque are required to work to foster the people, of course means it has to be precise, fun and interesting people, adults, children, and adolescents, both male and female. In Congress Risalatul Mosque in Mecca in 1975, it has been discussed and agreed, that the new mosque can be said to play a role as well if you have adequate space and equipment, clean and healthy for prayer; Both women have a special room for prayer and Family Welfare Education (PKK), which lets them out without mixing with male worshipers; There is a meeting room and a library; Polyclinic and bathing spaces and mengkafani bodies; Playroom, exercise, and practice for adolescents.
These things should certainly be colored by the physical simplicity of the building, but continue to support the role of the mosque is ideal. Associated with it, the mosque also has a mandate to build the world view of the uswah hasanah (example) given the Prophet. which must be carried out by the managers in the dissemination of the mosque. Indeed, the mosque is potentially color the development of the world. Broad understanding of people about the mission of the mosque is not just a place of prayer alone, but a 'blessing for the universe', will further enrich the functions of the mosque. From here semo- ga people can remove a narrow view of the role and function of the mosque. Of course, with no restrictions on anyone, men and women visited the house of God in order to learn and worship only because of Allah. (UIB Sholahuddin Al Ayubi, Bantam)

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